Get to know us.
Seventh-day Adventism is an ethnically and culturally diverse faith community of approximately 25 million members worldwide, maintaining a missionary presence in over 215 countries. Seventh-day Adventist theology corresponds to Reformation Protestant Christian teachings (e.g., the Trinity and the infallibility of Scripture) with the observance of Saturday, the seventh day of the week in Christian and Jewish calendars, as the Sabbath.
Adventists serve their communities through ministries that include education, healthcare, and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). Our education system is the second-largest private school system in the world, and our hospitals and clinics are established worldwide. Another of our distinctive teachings emphasizes a plant-based diet and a healthy lifestyle.
In the March 17, 2011 issue, USA Today reported that the Seventh-day Adventist faith is the fastest-growing denomination in the United States. Adventists have a governance system similar to that of the United Methodists. Our General Conference is headquartered in suburban Washington, DC, with 13 divisions established throughout the world.
Pastor Jerryn Schmidt
Jerryn and Janice joined the Carmel family in March of 2023. Pastor Jerryn brings enthusiasm for leading others into a deeper relationship with Jesus. His greatest desire is to share the amazing love of God.
Faces of Carmel.
Get to know the family and friends of the church.
Our origin story.
…labor of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
Church officers.
Tuma Ayugi
Head Elder
Joan Barnhart
Charlie Loucks
Head Deacon
Julie Eaton
Bulletin Secretary
Karen Piñango
Head Deaconess
Philip Griffith
Sabbath School Superintend
Susie DeHart
Church Clerk
Tracy Pennyman
Communications & Webmaster
Mashudu Chigudu
Adventurer Club Leader
Jackie Mowrey
Pathfinder Club Leader
Daniela Peregrina
Gen Z Ministries Leader