Your mind is a powerful thing.
The more you fill it with powerful thoughts, the more your
life will change.
Anything you go through on earth can be used
as a weapon to testify to others the power of
the Heavens
As you're reflecting on your life lessons try and
see your struggle as a blessing I know life be
trying to get to you, but you can't let it
Remembering God, who promises us bigger
things even though in present times, it may
seem like everything working against us
Cause no matter how hard we try we always
seem to mess up
But his Holy Spirit will always be there to come
and lift our heads up
Let us know the problems will never let up but
the choice is ours to stay down or get up and
the choice we choose determines if God will
bless us
Cause there's something to respect about
having strength in the midst of the fire
God will be that higher power pulling you
higher to the new heights that you desire
cause it all comes with the game
You pray for strength you can't be afraid of pain
Cause a loss opens up for a gain and the
bigger they are the more there is to obtain
Somewhere I read the only constant is change
got me questioning if my only fear should be
that I'm staying the same
Cause I still don't know it all, but I know it can
be hard to go from a time in your life where you
seemed to have it all
Think of a moment when your life was at its
best with no worries or no stress when you
ain't realize how much you were blessed until
what was to be set up next
Cause life turns to a game of chess when
reality comes to check got us stressed cause
we can take a loss at any time why nobody
really knows
All I know is when somebody hits they high
somebody else hitting they low
Cause today somebody cried while another
praising God asking him to never let the good times go
So Life's got to be a cycle, and good times got
to be recycled so bad times don't last
Cause we say good times and bad times, but
time itself is not bias
So maybe God answers all prayers by making
time to continue flying
Cause the God I serve is no liar, and he'll give
everybody their own time to shine, but know
there's always somebody next in line
So when we decline, it's not a sign that God
has left us or tried to take away our grace, He
just has to keep making space so other people
can experience the same states we felt when
we felt at peace and safe
It's sad we can't all experience the better
things in Life due to the devils lies but
nowadays I embrace my moments in heaven
just as much as my moments down in the fire
cause balance is essential
We need to live through the first half of our
blessings and what we perceive as curses to
complete the circle that will bring us closer to
moving forward for our full potential
This ministry is based out of Andrews University and serves the whole world. Our mission is to develop and provide the methods, resources, and leadership necessary to inspire youth evangelism. We do this through our resources, events, media, and partners.
A faith-based media ministry that has a passion for young people. We aim to open conversations about difficult subjects and share Biblical insights on relevant issues. It is our goal to inspire our audience to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and to draw close to God through diligent study of the inspired Word. We love creativity and are constantly exploring new avenues.
Study guides.
Lessons are designed for Earliteens to incorporate in their daily Bible study. The lessons provide the basis for learning and discussion in the Earliteen Sabbath School class.

Jesus 101 exists to introduce teens to the real Jesus of the gospel and to equip them to share His love with others. The primary purpose of this ministry is to reach everyone with the good news of Jesus, offering hope and assurance through Christ-centered biblical training. The secondary purpose of the Institute is to develop resources that motivate and equip for the study of Scripture, encouraging authentic discipleship, wholeness, and service.
Let the youth remember that here they are to build characters for eternity and that God requires them to do their best. Let those older in experience watch over the younger ones; and when they see them tempted, take them aside, and pray with them and for them.
Messages for Young People

Lord, Here I am;
send me!
Find an Adventist volunteer mission trip, or organize one with the help of these resources.
Painting a picture.
This animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos. Our videos and all of our other resources are available for free to help people everywhere experience the unified story of the Bible.