I will bless you
…and you will be a blessing.


All who accept the gospel take upon themselves the obligation to pass its blessings on to others. In this way the work of salvation is extended. God expects all souls reclaimed from sin to join in the same work for others which lifted him up and placed his feet upon the Rock. The good things of God are not to be selfishly kept to ourselves. We receive to give. Say Whittier, "The soul is lost that's saved alone." And as love prompted God's great gift, so His love in our hearts will prompt us to give, to minister, and to engage in loving service for the welfare and the happiness of others. ~Bible Readings, p.535


Find a place to serve and grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Engage where your spiritual needs can be fulfilled and shared with others.


Blessings on blessings.

The Carmel Church is blessed with a wealth of musical talent. From violinists and pianists to choirs and quartets, you will find a musical genre that speaks Love from God directly to you. Joseph is a composer inspired to convey these messages to change minds and soften hearts.

Visit Carmel’s YouTube channel to discover more examples of the church family and friends reaching out to others.

Get involved.

  • Your Ministry Here

    Contact Mark Eaton, Personal Ministries Leader, about starting your own ministry.

    Your Name, leader

  • Community Support Ministries

    Administer essential, and emergency needs to our surrounding community.

    Lipshed Ndebele, leader

  • Gen Z Ministries

    Support and encourage young people through the most critical time of the Christian experience.

    Daniela Peregrina, leader

  • Health Ministries

    Assist our members and the surrounding community with healthier living and happier lives.

    Chris Long, leader

  • Men's Ministries

    Connect and engage with men in our church and community,

  • Music Ministries

    Sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord, Ephesians 5:19.

    Susie DeHart, leader

  • Personal Ministries

    Buttress young and old by way of outreach, in-reach, and up-reach.

    Mark Eaton, leader

  • Prayer Ministries

    It is written, “My house shall be called the house of prayer….” Matthew 21:13

  • Prison Ministries

    Provide Christ-centered programming for those behind prison walls.

  • Sabbath School

    Engage in or lead out faith-building Bible studies for all age groups.

    Phillip Griffith, Superintendent

  • Women's Ministries

    Bestow upon women opportunities to grow spiritually and connect socially.

    Julie Loucks, leader